A brief look into the technology behind this site

Much of this is oversimplified, don’t expect a full explanation of everything. I can’t be bothered :)

Markdown - What is a markup language?

Imagine a normal word document, you have headers, hyperlinks, bold and italic text, images and embedded sections of code. But in order to do all of this you need to use a dedicated application (word). And if you open a .docx file in a program like notepad it looks like a mess.

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Markdown is kinda like a word document file, but instead of using the specialized software, you can write all of the previously mentioned features in a ‘code’

# This is a header

## This is a sub header

### This is a sub sub header

[This is a link](http://example.com/)
![This is an image](https://picsum.photos/400/300)

bullet points...

-   **Bold text**
-   _Italic text_

As you can see, its pretty self explanatory. Because of its ease and simplicity, we use markdown to write all of our blog posts. Markdown isnt the only markup language out there, others like latex (thats a fun one to google issues for…), restructured text and asciidoc are also popular.

Svelte - What is a virtual dom library?

Before we understand what Svelte is, its worth understanding a little bit about how websites are made these days. Before the days of react, vue, svelte and solidjs. Even before the era of jquery. Websites were made using a combination of pure html, css and some javascript. As the wants and needs of sites grew and expanded, so did the complexity of the underling tools. After years of bickering over the best ways forward, and evolution ontop of evelution of the best ways to dynamically load content into the

If you really want to get a better idea about the world of javascript frontend. These documentaries by honeypot are really good

React doc

Vue doc

Astro - What is a meta framework?

Astro is a frontend web framework that allows us to bundle multiple libaries/framework using one, consistent and easy to use system. The reason I chose astro out of the availible options is cause it allows us to generate a site which at build time contains 0 bytes of javascript, and does not need server side rendering (although this can still be implelemented if needed at a later date). I am to keep this site simple, a challenge i have set myself is to try and keep the javascript for a given site to 0bytes if i can.


In short, the technology behind the site can be boiled down to.

Because of what we use and the way we right it, the site contains a whopping 1.2kb of javascript, and thats before its even compressed and cached! Further more, the javascript loaded is used to prefetch all routes, only increasing the performance of the site.

Thats it… cya next time :))))